have you ever seen a character on tv or even the big screen one day and you just tell yourself that when i grow up i wanna be just like you ala ala my friend simon.. hahahaha.. no but seriously have you? well its been a while since i had one of those..humm let me think who was it that i wanted to be last ya? hummm see its been that long that i cant even remember.. well last week i went and caught this movie that many claim movie of the year.. well i wont go as far as that but i would safely say its a very good and dont forget LONG tourism advert "AUSTRALIA" the movie...

i went and caught it with my family at the golden lounge in GSC (i have always loved their blanket)
thats kak anja and abang og i know i know my camera phone dark..dont complain ok want to complain buy me my canon..

thats me and farin.. been a while since we hung out
well its a 3 hour movie so yes spending that extra buck is worth it.. chupp why am i justifying this.. anyways where was i...ohhh ya "AUSTRALIA" .. well i wont comment on the movie as i felt that it was a beautiful movie that kinda on a surface gave me an insight on the aboriginal culture and did make me want to book a month off to aussie hahahahaha... but above all that right i came out with an ambition yes i did.. no its not to drove cattle nor is it to run a little island for half breeds(that is such a harsh word) so that GOD would not forsake them (hey not fair, HE's not mean ok) ... my ambition is to become like....

yes yes yes i want to be like him... giler macho weiiii... 1 day 1day...
wow...if you be like him ..i will juz fall for you...hehe...damn hot and cute....hehe....'thxn ya..for this' love u alwis ....muax....miss u so muc...
berangan !
Go lah! I will tell u where to jalan2 ya! :P
It's sad to see a whole stolen generation hor! :P
But, overall, I dont think the love story is strong enough lah.. okok only.:P I watched with zenny n gang... errr.. luckily never bring the small one, pasti tdo tht fella!
u wanna be like him?
boleh! i setuju!
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