Friday, May 25, 2007


fame... its a odd word.... something that one would want to know and yet shy away from...
i know i would never get a chance to know and embrace that word... i do feel that as things are running smooth for me... path are being layed out nicely so that it would be a smoother journey... but would i ever reach that moment? i doubt it....
but as time goes now... fame is not what i am looking for really.... it is more of a survival need that i am searching for... searching for projects to continue working and sustaining this life.... i'll be lying if i dont admit to being glad and happy if that word comes along with the job that do... but if it doesnt then so be it... i am still contempt i guess...
you must be wondering what triggered me to write this entree.... i dont really know actually... its just this feeling of tracking some people that i knew off and how that word has changed their life...
please GOD if i do get there dont let it blind me.... i would want to stay focus.....


Farah said...

You're not that kind of person.

I'm sure of it. So don't worry your funny self over it.

Cik Puan Muda Stress said...

eh, you femes apa, abang james..