yes finally i am back on line.. wow where to start and how to start its been really long since i last wrote on this blog telling it my daily meanderings and so now i am gonna start to do so since i have just gotten myself my first ever unibody mac book pro.. alhamdullilah thank you...
the past month has been this really fast moving quicksilver motion that kinda leaving me craving for more and at the same time moving slowly into a direction of confiusion.. no doubt that im thankful tapi pada segalanya did i really managed to get a strong hold of what it all really means or have i just bulldozed over this really priceless experience subahanallah .. hanya allah saje yang akan tahu jawapan ini..
well im gonna start blogging slowly and yes i promise i will update and blog more notifying you guys what have i been up too and what i have been putting my nose into but certain projects has to be kept under covers until my producers let me reveal it. but dont worry i shall update you guys as much as i could as fast as i could ya..
before i go have you guys wondered what would be the 5 things that you must have as a traveler or when you go out traveling . i know some people have o have their pillow case with them and they would then keep on sniffing it or else they get restless at night. or how bout some people that would literally bring a whole phamarcy with them as they would want to be prepared to if any sickness be falls them.. humm well i guess in my case i would have to say top 5 items that baki zainal must have on his journeys as a traveler would be..
1. Earth Keepers from Timberland
2. Oakley Sun glasses.
3. Ipod touch 32g
4. Canon G10
5. Baby's lip balm from kiehl's
hummm, well as i said these 5 items is something extra tht you would take on the trip but hook or by crook you'll have it with you ohh ya in later shoots another secret would be "Make Up Store's bronzer" to give you the constant healthy sunkissed macho indiana jones look.
so before i go to bed hope you guys like these pictures.. sesungguhnya baki sayang kamu..
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