hey guys, its been weeks since i last blogged and i ask for forgiveness... i wanted to blog as soon as i could and everytime i sit infront of my laptop i just get really lost for words or at the same time i just go blank hummm.. macam mana lar nak tulis my biography nanti hehehehehe
well many things happened this month dari yang sedih, gembira dan jugak yang giler.. yeyeyeyeye im talking about you alan thoo, dina and badrul.. tak tipu punya.hehehehe
anyways i have been busy with work as usual and at the same time trying to pull together a project that would i hope one way or the other create some sort of influence and impact towards my future malaysians.. yes you heard me right.. saya ingin sekali membuat sesuatu untuk negara dan bangsa saya.. i will let you guys in a abit it has to do with Eco..jeng jeng jeng..
tapi sebelum itu getting back to the non syok sendiri issues.. i am really grieved and sad towards what the world and what we are turning into.. subhannallah its really scary i tell you.. kadang kala baki sendiri takut tu even imagine what would become of the future generation if we continue to behave like how we are behaving now...
so rather than recapping all the sad stories.. i want to count my blessings.. so that secara tak langsung insyallah it would be positive and attract more possitive energy towards all of us..
-thank you for giving me such a strong, beautiful and caring mother that believes in me.. subhanallah.. i promise to treat you well mama.. baki sayang mama.
- thank you for giving me a bunch of beautiful souls that has lead to a stronger pillar of hope for me.
-alan thoo.. (i dont need to even spell it out.. you know)
- for giving me this life that i am leading.. alhamdullilah syukur.
-giving me the endless task of making myself alert and work harder to challenge myself as i progress as an artiste and as a human being on His beautiful planet..
ohh but before i sign off i want to pay a tribute and moment of silence dan alfatihah for all those that has left us to be by His side recently, Arwah Aniff, MJ and all those that were involved and sacrificed at the recent jakarta bombing..semoga Allah memberkati roh roh mereka..amin.
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