i know i should be in bed now. its 3.30am and i have to be on set in another couple of hours but then i have to write dont want to be too disconnected ..
ohh man its been a tiring shoot.. maybe because of the waiting i guess but then its not that bad really cause i am surrounded by really good company.. its been so much joy having to spar with my co stars.. honestly during the first day i felt intimidated as i was acting with the likes of alvin wong, steve yap, kee tuan chai, rama, auguste kwan etc.. i mean although i have been in this industry for some time now but i still get star struck.. hahahahaha silly huh.. but working with this bunch is nothing but fun as i get to challenge myself every second on set in order to keep up with their wit and game.. (i have never imagined steve yap, the ever so macho and good looking steve yap to be such a joker and such a cool dude to work with) alvin and abang rama just keeps inspiring me with their craft.. the whole group shares and gels together from the word go.. syukur.. hopefully it stays this way for the rest of the shoot cause theres still bout 2 weeks more to go..
im missing people around me again.. you know who you are.. i wont need to spell out names.. cant wait for the rest of the shoot.. alhamdulillah... i am blessed.. syukur..
hehe...how r u ...long time no see ...we miss u d ..haih...hav fun in acting ..hehe...muax ..
we all so miss 9 u dude! hahahaha... let's go lepak minum watever.. after your shoot here! :P
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