well its coming to a week since The Shape of Things was staged in pentas2 KLpac and now i finally had the time to digest the play... ironic aint it.. rehersals 2 months and then baru nak digest.. hey it aint too late.. i dont know why but i have a feeling that i am similiar to Phillip in 1 way or the other( oh for you who did not catch this interesting play phillip is a character in the play).. its kinda funny how i could relate to him or he relating to me as a human being. yeah, phil is actually a real nice guy.. infact he is a pretty decent bloke if you ask me.. ok there are times that he looses his top but hey tell me which red blooded male would not do that?.. the fact that he cares for Adam and looks out for him and even after being steped and walked all over on by that prick he stills try to salvage a bond that he does not want to loose.. i kinda find some similiarity with tht.. i dont know if tht is good or not but yes tht is how i am and i function.
one thing tht really stood out to me is tht the way things turn out for phil, it might just be me but i kinda have this inkling in me that i might just tread in his footsteps.. how he lost jenny and adam and ends up alone.. heck sometimes i feel that i might just already be on tht journey... i dont hope or wish for it to happen but i cant stop thinking and feeling it is happening... the bond tht i onced had with certain people is slowly growing thinner, the sincerity slowly fading, the trust nearing an end. it is sad to see this or even saying it but hey at least i am facing it.. maybe all of us are growing in different directions, maybe we finally realized tht we dont actually need these people to exist and tht with the new life tht we are leading now we will do just fine without them. but wouldnt tht mean tht wht we have done before is called using them... wouldnt tht make us worst than being shallow.i dont know and i dont know if one day i would be able to face it when i actually find the answer to this riddle.. the hopeless romantic in me is praying hard that it would not come true... but indeed if it is nearing the end.. i would have to say i have no regrets and i enjoyed every moment of it and if soo it goes on i pray that i get to spend another 1000 years to go thru what i have gone thru..... cheersssssss my friendssssssssss........................God bless...
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