Friday, February 24, 2006


i hate it when this happens .. here you are spilling your life on the page and you farking p.c decides to hang for a second or ytwo and when its ok again the whole page plus all that you have typed out have all been sucked into oblivion. wow aint that dandy!!! y.. jezz maybe its a sign .. maybe its just bad karma(i should stop listening to miss keys) arghhhhh i hate when that happens. find then i shall save my sad boring details from my sad for an excuse for a life some other time then huh... im sad(i think i can hear some stupid cheezy background elevator music playing in my mind coz i am sure aint in an elevator now.)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Come and watch my show!!

Habeas Corpus by alan bennet


This comedy features a jaded doctor who does anything but relieve problems. A deprived wife. Their son with “sometimes 3 months, sometimes 3 days” to live. A sister-in-law blessed with the contours of a billiard table. A dedicated salesman from a breast-enlargement company. A love-sick clergyman. A drama queen on a bitter-pill overdose and her nubile daughter with a talent for whetting the appetite of many a man. A vertically-challenged big shot of the Medical association. A patient with suicide on his mind 24-7. And a maid with too much time and too little to do.

Put them all in a blender and what do you get? A comedy of blips and blunders, twists and turns, carnal chaos and moral mayhem. Watch these dysfunctional characters play the game of life and experience the domino effect that will get you high on humour.

Show Details:
Venue: The Actors Studio, Level 3 West Wing, Bangsar Shopping Complex.
Date: April 20th – 28th (No show on Monday)
Time: 8.30pm; Sunday 3pm and 8.30pm
Price: RM50 and RM40
Box Office: 03-2094 0400 / 03-2094 1400

dont know y?

i really dont know y i even bother to create this blog thing. since i was a kid i never ever kept like a journal of my own life before. but i guess i have to start some where. yelar after speaking to my fren just now i realized that i am actually buta IT. so im gonna give this a try out. humm what should i actually write as for todays issue gee ....its kinda odd finding yourself soo calm and stress free that you some what or the other start to think if it is normal to be as stress free as this. this is the problem with me .. jezz somebody just slap the black out tha me(i'm not making any racist remarks) i never really am thankfull for the things that i get. wait thankfull is not the word .. i am thankfull but im not sure if im gratefull for it yes i sound like a greedy sod(thanks shel for the little greed bible for christmas) i like what im doing now which is to cultivate and educate the future of our nation and makesure that with these future leaders human kind shall have a chance in redeeming the mistakes made by the two original idiots(adam and eve=hey if they werent that greedy for an apple that might just have costed 0.80 cents in giant we would not be in this mess that we're in now. just imagine our existance was determine by an apple) as to put it short im a kindi teacher... sad but thats reality.. rather than climmbing the coperate ladder and making some chinese fellow by the name of tan i starting to sound sour.. i hope not.. yeah i mean i am kinda falling in love with this new life of soul enriching, good deeds galore , clean from bribery life but the fact is that theres no stress and is that normal? thats it.. thats my question is it normal by any standards? i dont think even khayam can answer that.